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Office Exercises You Can Do Discreetly

If you have a full time 9 to 5 job that requires you to stay behind a computer on your desk all day long, you’re probably not getting enough movement!  With little movement, you’re more prone to gain weight.  Not only that, sitting for long periods of time can also cause strain on your back, neck, eyes and wrists.  Fortunately, there are easy ways to sneak exercise into your office without anyone having to know.    Below are our tips on how to exercise at the office discreetly.

Going to Work

Technically, this isn’t an office exercise yet, but you can actually start moving about on your way to work.  Consider walking or talking a bike on your way to the office.  If you have a vehicle, park your car a few blocks away so you can walk the last few meters.  Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.

Simple Stretching Exercises

Before you start the day’s work, stretch from head to toe.  This is similar to what you would usually do before a full blown work out.  Start with the neck and work your way towards your ankles.

Simply tilt your head toward your shoulder, hold for ten seconds, switch to the other side and repeat the process.  Then, loosen up your shoulders by rolling both forward and then backward in a circular motion.

To exercise your legs, flex ankle so that toes are pointing upwards and then downwards.  Draw little circles with your toes clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Fitness Equipment

Keep fitness gear at work!  If you’re allowed to, you can even trade your office chair for a fitness ball.  Not only will you improve your balance, you will also strengthen and develop your core muscles just by sitting at your desk.  If you won’t be disturbing coworkers, you can also use the fitness ball to do quick wall squats.

Use a hand gripper or a squash ball.  This exercises your fingers and keeps you busy during long meetings.  Alternately, you can also use a dumb bell every time you’re on the phone.

Just Get Moving

Instead of lounging around with a snack or coffee on your break, get moving!  Brisk walk around your building.  Instead of sending a quick email to your colleague, walk to his or her desk personally.  Answer the phone standing up.

Instead of a sit down meeting at the board room, utilize the city sidewalks for a walking meeting!

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing exercises relieve you of tension and stress, and alleviate your mood.  A simple breathing exercise is the Sama Vritti or “Equal Breathing”.  Start by inhaling for a count of four and then exhaling with the same number of counts.  Do this using your nose.  If you got the pattern down, you can move to six or eight counts per breath.  This is an especially calming technique that gets you focused on balance.

Those are just some ways you can sneak in discreet office exercises without having your boss notice.  Sitting behind a desk should not hinder you from becoming fit.  Try to be conscious about moving around when you get the chance to.

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