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Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days With These Simple Hair Hacks

Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days With These Simple Hair Hacks Busy girls like you are exposed to the sun, air pollution, and humidity—all of which can damage your hair. And who has time to deal with frizzy, dry, and dull locks on top of schoolwork and extra-curricular activities? Here are easy ways to combat those common hair problems, so you can concentrate on hustling (and looking good while you’re at it!) instead of always have to swipe hair out of your face. Check out these hair hacks and the problems that they can fix.

#1 Use a t-shirt instead of a towel to dry your hair

Not only does drying your hair with a towel create frizz, it also soaks up moisture that your hair desperately needs. Instead, wrap your wet hair in a T-shirt. This will help reduce frizz and keep your hair smooth.

#2 Use a toothbrush to tame baby hair

When it’s windy outside or you’re just having a bad hair day and all your baby hair just won’t cooperate, use a toothbrush and a bottle of hairspray to tame rebellious baby hair or flyaways. Mist the bristles with your hairspray, then gently brush the hairs into place for a clean, sleek look. Say Goodbye to Bad Hair Days With These Simple Hair Hacks

#3 End your showers with cold water

If your hair’s been looking a little worse for wear, rinse your hair with cold water before stepping out of the shower. This helps add shine to your tresses. The hair shafts will contract and lie flat, causing your strands to have a smoother, silkier appearance.

#4 Sleep on a silk pillowcase

Switching your cotton pillowcase for a silk one will help reduce friction between your hair and the pillow when you move around in your sleep. With less friction, your strands are less likely to break.

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