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6 Bathroom Problems You Need to Fix ASAP

6 Bathroom Problems You Need to Fix ASAP You have to admit—the most challenging home problems are those that occur in the bathroom, as anything that involves plumbing can instantly cause a headache. We’ve all experienced how much of a hassle it is to deal with leaking pipes, dripping faucets, slow drains, and clogged toilets, to name a few. You can try to solve these on your own or call your trusty handyman for immediate assistance. To save you from stress and big expenses, here are problems you need to be on the lookout for:

#1 Poor ventilation

It’s not a plumbing problem, but poor ventilation can result in humidity and moisture buildup. Solve this by letting in natural light and airing out your bathroom. You can open a window, or for the lack of one, you can install a ceiling-mounted exhaust fan. For optimum use, make sure you clean and dust inside the exhaust fan; then have the ducting cleaned occasionally as well.

#2 Mold and mildew

A result of bad ventilation, mold and mildew can be combated with cleaning aids readily available in local grocery stores. Keeping your bathroom walls and floor dry at all times helps, too. 6 Bathroom Problems You Need to Fix ASAP

#3 Dripping faucets, bidets and showerheads

Leaks are often caused by loose installation of fixtures, but if they used to function properly and they suddenly become leaky, it could mean something else. Some of the possible causes include misaligned, torn, or broken washers and gaskets (the round rubber or metal parts) that are sandwiched in between the fittings. Washers and gaskets are subject to wear and tear so these need to be replaced. Turn off the water before attempting to remove or replace anything. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you might have to call a plumber to help you out.

#4 Leaky pipes

Too much heat and vibration can create small cracks in pipes which cannot be avoided. If epoxy or waterstop won’t cut it, you may want to have a plumber replace the faulty pipe instead.

#5 Sluggish drains

Unclog slow drains by using a snake brush or drain snake which is very effective in removing gunk and trapped hair. You may also use chemicals to dissolve the debris. Don’t ignore a slow drain because you’ll never know when it will get clogged which is worse.

#6 Poor water pressure

Low water pressure can mean accumulation of limescale (deposit caused by minerals) in the filter of your faucets and showerhead. If the pressure doesn’t seem to be like it used to, this is the first thing to check. Make sure to turn off the water line if you’ll attempt to remove stuck fragments. If this doesn’t improve the situation, you can use a descaling solution on the faucet spout or showerhead. Household items like vinegar can be used as well.

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