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Ways to Achieve Bushy Brows Like Celebrities

Ways to Achieve Bushy Brows Like Celebrities You can cop yourself a pair of bushy brows with a few simple tricks, even if yours aren’t naturally like Cara Delevingne’s. That said, here are five brow-plumping tips that stars use all the time:

#1 Clear brow gel

Those blessed with already full brows could skip the filling in part entirely, but to make them look even fuller, swipe on some clear brow gel over your arches and brush them upwards!

#2 Brush your stray hairs

There’s nothing wrong with having some stray hairs here and there, because let’s be honest—we don’t always have time to groom our brows. In case yours are getting quite unruly, brushing them in the same direction as your other brow hairs should tame them right away. Ways to achieve bushy brows like celebrities

#3 Brow pencils

If you tend to be quite heavy-handed with your brow products, try switching to pencils with a very fine tip. Not only will these give you more control over your strokes, it will make it easier to erase any mistakes, too!

Eyebrow pens are amazing for a natural arch, as it can help you draw realistic brow hairs to remove any gaps. When done properly, you’ll look as if you didn’t touch them at all!

#4 Avoid putting to much product

A sculpted brow is definitely photogenic, but in order to maintain a bushy look, avoid putting too much product at the front. To subtly add definition, stick to a few swipes of eyebrow gel or simply use the excess from your spoolie or brow brush to fill it in.

#5 Match your brow to your hair color

To instantly give your strands more volume and texture, make the last step of your brow routine a fiber brow mascara that matches your hair color.

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