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What Causes Dandruff and How Can You Avoid It

What Causes Dandruff and How Can You Avoid It_ Although it may not seem like much, dandruff can actually be a huge pain to deal with. It’s a chronic scalp condition—meaning if you have it, you’re going to be stuck with it for a while. If you’re someone suffering from the condition or simply want to find ways to avoid it, read on!

According to Dr. Katherine U. Chan of Katherina Chan Derma and Laser Centre, dandruff occurs when the scalp is either too oily or too dry. This causes itchiness, redness, and dead skin to clump together and appear on the hair and shoulders as unsightly white flakes. She adds that other causes can include hypersensitivity to hair treatments and products, overgrowth of fungus, as well as high stress levels.

The dermatologist says that because dandruff is a long-term condition, there is no permanent cure. Instead, it can be controlled. Here are five ways to avoid it as much as possible:

#1 Shampoo frequently

Washing your hair reduces oiliness and prevents the buildup of dead skin on the scalp. Dr. Chan emphasizes that the scalp must be rinsed well, too, to make sure all excess skin, oil, and product are thoroughly removed.

#2 Avoid using products that irritate your scalp

Find out what goes into the products you use and make sure your skin doesn’t react badly to any of them. If you’re unsure about which ingredients are safe for your scalp, seeking professional help is always a good idea. What Causes Dandruff and How You can Avoid It

#3 Use anti-dandruff shampoos

Ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid or zinc pyrithione are the ingredients to remember when shopping for shampoos. These are antifungal compounds that will help prevent any sort of outbreak.

#4 For severe itchiness and redness, use corticosteroid shampoos and lotion

Corticosteroids have been found to be useful in treating rashes. If you’re experiencing extreme irritation to a point where you can’t handle it, Dr. Chan says your doctor will probably recommend products that contain corticosteroid drugs.

#5 Reduce your stress levels

High amounts of stress tend to trigger dandruff flare-ups, so it’s best you try not to worry too much or find a relaxation method that works best for you.


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