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4 Fragrances That Smell Good Enough to Eat

4 Fragrances That Smell Good Enough to Eat Ever wondered why breakfasts and brunches are often associated with warm, cozy feelings? It’s because taste is a memory.

Every once in a while, all of our senses come together to experience something magical and engrave in our minds what we see, taste, and smell. Whether it’s a comforting breakfast at home with Mom, brunch in the countryside during a trip to Europe, or simply the everyday cereal you love so much, a simple whiff of something meaningful to you can bring you back to the memories associated with it and transport you back to happy times.

English Fields, the latest fragrance line from Jo Malone London, was concocted to bring out exactly that—happy memories that elicit pleasant sensations of devouring delicious food. We are all naturally attracted to anything that smells fragrant, and with these four new fragrances that smell so good, they’re guaranteed to tantalize your senses.

#1 Poppy and Barley

Allow this scent to transport you to the British countryside with the contrast of rich red poppies and barley mixed with violet flowers, fruity blackcurrant, and the soft powdery notes of white musk. Playful, cheerful and fun, this scent is just the thing you need to instantly perk up any day. 4 Fragrances That Smell Good Enough to Eat

#2 Primrose and Rye

Wake up to a sunshine-y day with warmth from the tropical combination of golden corn, coconut, and mimosa. Add to that the combo of joyful yellow primroses on an addictive, bakery-esque base of rye and vanilla and you’ll have your own sunshine in a bottle that will awaken your palate.

#3 Oat and Cornflower

Relish on the comfort the breakfast staple can give whenever and wherever you are. Enlivened by cornflowers and made more interesting with nutty hazelnut to emulate crunchy bread, this is a warm and elegant scent that will make your mouth water upon every whiff.

#4 Honey and Crocus

There is something so charming about the element of nectar and honey that can instantly put a sweet smile on anyone’s face. This particular fragrance is made from honey mixed with lavender extracts to make it sweet and fresh and is topped off with a dash of almond milk to bring forth a new texture almost like a condensed creamy syrup to balance out the floral tones.


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