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How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

Fashion isn’t all glitz and glam — there’s a filthy side of it, too: stains, tears, shrinkage, you name it. We’ve all been there and been disappointed -okay, heartbroken- when our clothes appear ruined.

How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer But before you toss your beloved clothes in the trash ever again, read on, because we are determined to solve your problem. We bring you some fashion fixes you should have in your back pocket.

1.  Sweat stains

Cause discoloration around the armpits is anything but chic. Sweat happens. Ladies, steal this tip from the guys and try wearing a tight cotton t-shirt under your clothes to keep perspiration, deodorant and bacteria away. Beige is key, as it’s less visible under white. If a full tee just won’t work, Garment Guard shields are disposable circles you can stick onto your shirt so your skin doesn’t actually touch the fabric. Your deodorant can also be the culprit, so shy away from those with aluminum salts in the ingredients. May your whites stay white forever! How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

2.  Other bodily fluid stains

It could be the wrath of your monthly visitor, lactation, man secretions, blister juice, #2, you name it — it’s all protein-based and a real pain when it comes to cleaning. The solution: Wear underwear! You never want fluids to touch your actual clothing, so skivvies, socks and the like are your friends. But hey, stains do sneak up on us sometimes — so when they do, be sure to attack them ASAP with cold water.

3.  Ring around the collar

Ever notice pesky gunk around your neckline or the brim of your hat? It’s a mix of dead skin, sebum, sweat and dirt — and nobody wants that! To fix this, start at the beginning. Give your skin a good scrub when you hit the shower to clear away as much as you can.

4.  Fading, Shrinking, Pilling, Bleeding

It’s true: Wearing and washing can change the shade, size or quality of a garment… much to our dismay. It’s all about reading the label and not being lazy. Separate, separate, separate! Be conscious when doing your laundry — sort clothes by fabric, color, level of dirt and drying time. Give each item the care it needs to extend its shelf-life to the fullest. And for the love of all things holy: Be careful with bleach! How to Make Your Clothes Last Longer

5.  Ruining your clothes with your clothes

That’s right, be warned — things like Velcro and zippers can wreak havoc in the washing machine. Secure all Velcro and zip up before it’s laundry time — you don’t want your clothes sticking and snagging as they brush up against each other. Remember that metal can melt in the dryer and scald other items, so the safest thing to do is hand wash separately.

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