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Acne Skin Care & Prevention Tips

Acne Skin Care If you have acne-prone skin, there are some things you can do to help alleviate your condition and prevent flare ups.  You can do this while you are on acne medication to ensure that your skin gets a one-two punch of treatment and prevention.  Below are our top acne skin care & prevention tips.

Skin Care

acne skin care prevention tips wash face Skin care is important in any acne skin care & prevention tips.  Make sure you do the basics – cleanse, tone, and moisturize.  Cleansing ensures that you have a face that’s free of oil, dirt, and product build-up.  Choose products specifically made for your condition.  There are those with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and retin-a, which help in breaking down blackheads and whiteheads, clearing pores, and reducing bacteria count in your face.

Since cleansers containing these chemicals tend to be harsh, go for a mild toner and moisturizer to restore your skin’s natural pH and keep it moisturized.  Sometimes, your skin overcompensates when it is stripped of its natural oils, causing it to produce even more oils.  That is why it is important to restore moisture after every wash.

Exfoliating once every three days will also help get rid of dead skin cells.  A gentle, non abrasive scrub is recommended.

Hair Care

acne prevention tips tie hair If you have especially oily hair, it is best to keep it away from your face as much as possible.  Avoid putting too much products on your hair as its ingredients might travel down to your face, clog your pores and cause irritation.  Wash hair with a clarifying shampoo to get rid of excess oil and grease.


Sometimes, acne or allergic reactions may be triggered by makeup products which clog pores.  Be sure to choose hypo-allergenic and non-comedogenic products.  Also, take time to clean your makeup brushes and sanitize your makeup regularly.  You don’t want to be applying bacteria every time you put on your makeup.  It also bears stressing to always remove makeup before going to sleep.

Diet & Lifestyle

Poor diet and stress are believed to be causes of acne.  If you have been eating oily, processed foods, try to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet.  Stay hydrated and drink as much as 3 liters of water every day to flush out toxins from your body.  Been partying all week long?  Alcohol, smoke exposure and lack of sleep can also contribute to acne flare up.

acne prevention tip change pillowcase Change Your Pillowcases Regularly

Sometimes, the oil, dirt and bacteria in your pillow case can cause acne.  Remember to change your sheets regularly.

Keep Hands Away From Face

Your hands come into contact with a lot of things throughout the day.  Avoid touching your face to prevent spreading bacteria.  Don’t pick on your pimples as you may only be aggravating your condition.

Seek Medical Advice

Acne may be caused by a variety of factors such as hormonal imbalance and genetics.  If this is the case, it is best to visit your dermatologist.  Your doctor will help pinpoint the cause of your acne and provide you with medication suited to target your specific problem.

Those are just some of our acne skin care & prevention tips.  Be patient and incorporate these changes for about a month or so.  You should see your skin improve within that time.  Good luck!

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