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4 Simple Exercises You Can Do Anywhere and Anytime

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4 Simple Exercises You Can Do Anywhere and Anytime

Nowadays, it is very hard to find time to go to the gym and exercise. With your hectic work schedule, taking care of your husband and the kids, cooking dinner, cleaning the house and getting everyone to bed, who has time to exercise?!

However, exercise is a must. It has a lot of benefits that could help energize your body and help you survive your busy and hectic lifestyle. Other than that, exercise helps you sleep better, reduces stress, boosts your self confidence and keeps health concerns at bay.

No more excuses allowed! Luckily, we have compiled 4 simple exercises that you can do anytime and anywhere.

Note: Before exercising, remember to warm up. support 1 - exercise

1. Pushups

We all know how to do pushups, so let’s notch it up a bit using these pushup tips:

• If you bring your hands together into a diamond shape near the center of your chest you will work more of the triceps and shoulders.

• You can do pushups with your hands wider than shoulder width to get more of a shoulder and chest workout.

• Working half pushups – either going only half way down and then back up, or starting from the floor and only pushing up half way and then going back down – will intensify your pushup workout.

2. Squats

Of course, squats are the best exercise that you can do anytime and anywhere. Start your squat workout by lowering yourself only a foot or so, then go with deeper squats as your muscles get used to the exercise. If you want to add spice to your squat workout, get two litters of bottles filled with sand and try performing squats with holding one bottle in each hand. support 2 - exercise

3. Crunches

If done correctly, crunches are great for your abs. If done incorrectly, it can cause undue stress on your back and neck. To avoid such injury, follow these tips:

• The biggest risk is if you jerk your neck to give you the force to crunch. While doing crunches, keep your hands behind your head and your elbows back while using your stomach muscles to lift your head and chin towards the ceiling.

• Once you’ve mastered this technique, try lifting your legs off the ground or assuming a bicycle position with one leg bent and the other straight off of the ground.

 4. Calf raises support 3 - exercise

Calf raises are perfect with any raised surface, such as stairs. If you need balance, you can hold on to the railings. Facing the stairs, stand with only your toes on the stair and your feet extending out past it. Standing straight up, lower your body down below the level of the stair and then back up onto your toes. The biggest emphasis on this exercise is the ability to go from an extreme negative position with ankle below toes to an extreme positive position, ankle fully raised. Even though it seems as if this is an ankle exercise, it also works out your calf muscles.

There you go! With these simple exercises, you can stay fit without having to compromise your busy schedule.

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