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How to Declutter and Organize Your Home Like a Pro

How to Declutter and Organize Your Home Like a Pro The mere thought of sorting through a year’s worth of accumulated belongings can leave us feeling exhausted. Let’s be honest, not a lot of people enjoy decluttering and organizing the home. We can’t blame them as this daunting task involves going through cabinets and drawers, letting go of things we’ve had for years, and organizing things we’re keeping into neat piles.

Decluttering your home, however, doesn’t have to be stressful. Knowing what you need, making space for what’s important, and a few helpful reminders can make cleaning the home a truly rewarding experience. After all, having a clean and organized space can contribute to your well-being and help you achieve a positive mindset. Roll up your sleeves and keep these decluttering tips in mind:

1. Have a game plan.
How do you plan to do your decluttering? Will you do it in one go or are you going to do it per room? Make a final decision depending on your schedule and the amount of things you need to go through. Remember, the goal is to do it efficiently without feeling drained after.

2. Stick to a schedule.
To accomplish the task at hand, avoid rescheduling or postponing your decluttering session. Constantly changing the schedule of your general cleaning won’t change the fact that you need to deal with it—simply put, you’re prolonging the inevitable. Determine if you need a day, a weekend, or two consecutive weekends to get things done. Mark it on your calendar so you won’t forget. How to Declutter and Organize Your Home Like a Pro

3. Prepare three containers for items you’ll KEEP, TOSS, and DONATE.
We’re sure you’ve heard this tip a thousand times before! Assigning your belongings to a pile can make it easier for you to sort through and deal with your clutter. To determine which ones you’ll keep or toss—follow the six-month rule. According to the six-month rule, if you haven’t used a certain item for the last six months, you may want to discard or donate it. Unsure if it needs to go to the trash bin or the donate pile? If the item you’re holding is still in good condition and can still be used, place it in the donate box. Broken things and those that are beyond repair must be disposed of immediately.

4. See if there are things you can sell.
Believe it or not, you can earn extra cash from the things you’re letting go of. You can have a fourth pile for things you can sell and set up a garage sale in front of your house. In today’s social media-savvy world, you can create an account online where you can post some of the things you’re selling, too.

5. Learn to let go.
The reason why we find it difficult to let go of certain things is because we hold on to the memories attached to it. It’s never easy to let go of a memorable shirt or a pile of magazines you’ve had for years. Ask yourself: Would you still need or use these in the near future? If the answer is no and if it will only take up space, it’s best to let it go.

6. Prepare for your decluttering session.
Buy enough boxes, trash bags, and rags. After getting rid of the things you no longer use or need, make sure you clean the shelves, drawers, and cabinets, too.

7. Make it fun.
Play your favorite songs while decluttering to lighten up the mood and make it more bearable. After accomplishing your task, don’t forget to reward yourself. Treat yourself to a good meal, a movie, or a visit to the spa for a job well done.

8. Turn it into a family affair.
You don’t have to shoulder the burden of decluttering all by yourself. Involve the whole family and assign tasks to each. Working as a group can make the whole affair fun, easier, and more manageable. You can even ask each family member to work on his or her own room/closet.

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