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6 Clothing Hacks to Help You Stay Motivated to Work Out

6 Clothing Hacks to Help You Stay Motivated to Work Out When you’re trying to lose weight, you need to give it all you’ve got—by eating right and by doing moderate to high-intensity workouts. We’re all well aware that it’s hard to stay on track, but did you know that clothes can also be a good tool for shedding some pounds? If staying physically active is a promise you’ve made to yourself this 2018, here are some pieces to add to your wardrobe to help you stay on track:

#1 Sports bra

Wearing a sports bra instead of a regular bra will compel you to hit the gym or go for a run once your day ends. It’s a physical reminder that you’re committing yourself to exercise that day, most especially if you skipped working out in the morning.

#2 Cinch belts

Belts that sit at the waist are a good indicator whether you have overeaten or not. Once your belt starts to feel uncomfortably snug, you know it’s time to put your fork down. 6 Clothing Hacks to Help You Stay Motivated to Work Out

#3 Regular jeans

Yes, stretchy pants are a godsend. Then again, it will also be hard for you to know if your body has been expanding. Ditch the spandex and save it for workouts. Try to get more in touch with your bodily changes by wearing jeans that don’t stretch.

#4 Walking shoes

Comfy shoes allow you to take in more steps that could potentially burn all those extra calories. Go ahead, walk up and down the stairs, take a leisurely stroll to your colleague’s desk, whatever works for you. Just get moving!

#5 Form-fitting clothes

Outfits in baggy silhouettes such as sweaters and sweatpants are incredibly comfy, but they also encourage you to lounge around. Wearing a form-fitting outfit gives you more awareness of your body shape, which might just motivate you to get moving.

#6 Compression garments

Many athletes swear by compression garments because it constricts the muscles to reduce inflammation and soreness after a workout. When you’re into hard-hitting training routines or strenuous exercise, you will most likely benefit from compression gear.


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