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Underarm Care: How to Get Whiter Armpits

Underarm Care Summer is fast approaching and it’s the season for bikinis, flowy sundresses, and sleeveless tops.  Getting the perfect summer bod doesn’t only entail having a fit physique, it also means making sure that your covered areas are ready to be shown in public!  Think less body hair, whiter knees and shoulders, and of course white armpits or underarms.  Underarm care is often neglected but is rather important.  Below, you will read our tips on how to get whiter armpits.

Why You Have Dark Underarms

Dark underarms may be due to various causes.  Frequent shaving may remove unwanted hair but it can also lead to darker armpits due to constant abrasion.  The presence of dead skin cells, the use of anti-perspirants and deodorants, and hyper pigmentation are other reasons.

Friction due to flabby and sagging arms which cause constant rubbing of underarms, or due to polyester or synthetic clothing can also be a factor.

Proper Armpit Care

Exfoliate Regularly

Underarm Care Exfoliate Soft Armpits Because dark underarms may be due to a build up of skin cells, practice exfoliating your pits regularly.  This helps scrub away the layer of dead skin and helps unclog pores.  Simply apply a gentle scrub on a loofah or washcloth and gently massage your pits.  Because the skin under your arms is very delicate, try not to exfoliate more than two times a week.

Shave Properly

If you must shave, be sure to do it less often.  Allow more time for your armpit hair to grow before you shave.  This ensures that you are not constantly robbing your skin of its natural moisture, which is usually a cause of irritation.

You are also recommended to shave at night.  When you shave during the day, it would be natural for you to immediately apply deodorant or antiperspirant.  Applying harsh chemicals on newly shaved pits is not ideal.  If you shave at night, there would be no need for you to wear deodorant since you’re getting ready for bed.

Of course, it goes without saying that you use a sharp razor and gentle, moisturizing products as pre or post shave care.

Consider Other Hair Removal Options

Underarm Care White Armpits Hair Removal There are other modes of removing unwanted hair on the armpits that let you enjoy smoother armpits longer.  Depilatory creams break down the keratin or protein structure of your hair, causing it to become weak and fall loose from the hair follicle.  Though it may be ideal for some, some depilatory creams may have harmful chemical ingredients especially for those with sensitive skin.  Be sure to do a patch test on your skin piror to use.

If your tolerance for pain is high, you can also go for waxing, which entails pulling the hair out from the hair follicles.

Use a Gentle Deodorant

Underarm Care Gentle Deodorant Antiperspirant Deodorants and antiperspirants can contain chemicals which are irritating to the skin.  Choose a product that is formulated without harmful chemicals like propylene glycol, phthalates and triclosan.  Go for natural and organic formulated products with no fragrance.

Incorporate these changes into your underarm care.  You can also prepare DIY underarm whitening recipes using a variety of natural ingredients like potato, coconut oil, lemon extract or cucumber.  With these tips on how to get whiter underarms, you’ll be summer ready in no time!

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