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Tips on How to Get Someone You Like to Text You Back

Tips on how to get someone you like to text you back We’ve all been there: it’s the early stages of your flirtationship, everything seems to be going swimmingly and then? Well, nothing. He stops texting you back, GHOSTS YOU into an abyss of grumpiness and you’re not entirely sure where you went wrong.

We reckon we might have the answer to all your texting woes, as we reveal 12 tips on how to get someone you like to text you back.

1.  Avoid short boring texts like ‘Hi’ or ‘How are you doing?’

 This is what their friends send them, not potential partners. You want to hook them in and get them intrigued to respond.

2.  Consider sending more flirty messages like: ‘Stop thinking about me..’

If they were, then they’ll be amazed you somehow knew this. Even if they weren’t, now they will be. Win/win.

3.  Playful texts help break the ice

Try something like this: ‘If you had a wish and could have anything right now, what would you wish for?’ rather than the usual boring chit chat.

4.  Always end a conversation first

When you are talking, it’s a good idea to make sure they are the one who sends the last text. That way you stay in control and aren’t waiting round for them to reply.

5.  If you ever find that things have gone really quiet and you want to stimulate the conversation again, send them a completely blank text

Hopefully they’ll reply asking what you meant so now you are back in touch. Once they do this, you can ‘apologize’ and say your phone was playing up. Then follow right up with a question and ask them how things are going. Tips on how to get someone you like to text you back

6.  Don’t hide behind your phone

Once you’ve had some interest from your texts, don’t be afraid to actually call them. So many people are scared to speak but it’s the very best thing you can do to stand out and make them interested.

7.  Play hard to get

The more he chases you then the more he’ll want you, so make him work for your attention. Don’t use the old technique of making him wait ages for a reply, but try to not be quite so available.

8.  Don’t ask closed questions

If you want to spark up a conversation that leads to a date, avoid any text questions that could be answered with a simple yes or no. Instead, ask something that they have to explain. The more time they have to invest texting you then the more likely they will want to meet.

9.  Sprinkle in some emojis

These smiling faces and cartoon expressions will spice up your texts and give the impression you are a fun person. Just don’t overdo it!

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