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5 Ways to Exfoliate If You Have Sensitive Skin

5 Ways to Exfoliate If You Have Sensitive Skin Even the most delicate of skin types require some exfoliation. In fact, pushing your skin to regenerate and renew itself will make it stronger in the long run! And here’s more good news: you don’t need to use harsh scrubs and chemicals do it.

Ahead, we have five alternative ways to get rid of dead skin. Keep scrolling to find your perfect match!

#1 Peeling gels

The term “peeling” might turn you off at first, but these cleansers are actually really gentle! Just massage the gel on your skin for a few seconds until your dead skin forms small clumps you can wash off.

#2 Muslin cloths

There won’t be a need for harsh scrubs if you exfoliate daily. And if you need to go the gentle route, use a warm muslin cloth to wipe away excess product after cleansing. Old school yet effective! 5 Ways to Exfoliate If You Have Sensitive Skin

#3 Konjac Sponges

Sponges aren’t exclusive for dishwashing, and konjac sponges will prove that for you. Use these to lightly scrub while you’re cleansing before rinsing the foam off like normal.

#4 Pore Brushes

A neater alternative to cloths and sponges is this brush right here. Hailing mostly from K-beauty, pore brushes are famous for their soft bristles that softly rubs off dead skin cells. They also push your face wash to the inner nooks and crannies for a deeper cleanse!

#5 Chemical exfoliants

Unlike the previous four we mentioned, chemical exfoliants use exfoliating acids to rub off dead skin. Glycolic acid, for example, exfoliates the topmost layer of your skin to unclog pores and refine skin texture. And it does all that without the tugging and rubbing! However, even if these are perfect for sensitive skin, don’t use them everyday. Your skin has to build a tolerance for acids to work!

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