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Ways to Stop the Craving Without Eating Anything

Ways to Stop the craving without eating anything You may feel like you need to eat in certain situations. Sometimes you really do need to eat, especially if you’ve skipped a meal or your lunch is an hour delayed. And that’s because you’re hungry! But there are times that you just think you need to eat. And going by that thought can make you wolf down so much food and overload on the calories. If you want to curb your craving, we got tips for you.

1.  Chew gum when you’re stressed

Stress can make you feel hungry, even if you just ate. It’s possible that you just need to chew to relax yourself, so chew some gum. It’ll calm your nerves and you’ll avoid consuming excess calories.

If you want to reward or pamper yourself after stressful days or weeks but don’t want to eat, go to the spa, have a movie marathon at your place, or go shopping.

2.  Walk or nap when you feel exhausted

When you’re tired, your sugar craving comes on. Your body wants the jolt of energy it can take from the sugar. But satisfying that sugar craving has its cons, like experiencing a crash a little after you eat. That’s just going to make you feel all the more tired.

If you want to sustain the energy you have or boost it a bit for the long run, take a walk if that’s the easiest exercise you can do. Better yet, nap to let your body recover. And try not to lose so much sleep next time.

3.  Drink water

Your brain’s signals for hunger and thirst are similar, so it’s easy to misconstrue the two. So before you grab a snack, drink lots of water first. If you feel satisfied in a few minutes, then you weren’t really hungry to begin with. If not, then it’s probably time that you eat. Ways to Stop the craving without eating anything

4.  Reach out to someone instead of reaching for the fridge when you’re sad

Okay, so you probably came from a breakup or you got into an argument with your guy, or you had a really bad day at work. Instead of bawling your eyes as you scoop ice cream from your bowl just to make yourself feel better for the meantime, how about talking to someone about what’s making you feel terrible? That’s bound to truly help with your problem and your feelings. If you want to shut yourself from the world (which is understandable too), you can always just cry in the corner or on your bed then fall asleep. Hey, sleep is good!

5.  Stop procrastinating!

If you procrastinate by eating, stop it and do what you have to do NOW. Actually, if you procrastinate, just quit it. If not for the sake of your career path, how about your health? Procrastinators are found to be more prone to heart diseases than those who get things done at once.

6.  Do something that will stave off boredom

Ever been so bored you just went to the kitchen to grab a bite because it’s “something to do?” If you want to stop doing this, do something exciting and competitive. Workout or play games. It’ll entertain you, work your body, and keep your head off food.


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